Blog Journal #1

Greetings! My name is Virginia, and this post marks the beginning of my new teaching blog for EME 2040-0002. I am currently undergoing my senior year of undergrad at Florida State University, with a dual degree in Human Development & Family Sciences and Digital Media Production. I was born in Padova, Italy, but moved to the United States with my family when I was 8 years old. After graduating from FSU, I plan on pursuing a master's degree in TESOL education, which will equip me with the necessary skills to teach English in non-English speaking countries to students of all ages. To all new readers, welcome!

Throughout my academic journey, I have been very privileged when it comes to accessing reliable technology in an educational setting. All the public schools I attended prior to my post-secondary education would provide me with free computers, tablets, and a reliable internet connection. From middle school onward, nearly all my classes took advantage of smart boards as a technological learning tool. However, it didn't end there. Many of my instructors incorporated coding lessons and Microsoft Office certification courses into the everyday curriculum. Needless to say, I wouldn't be nearly as technology-savvy nowadays were it not for these formative experiences.

It's also probably the reason why so much of my personal learning network (PLN) is comprised of online resources. On the regular, I rely on social media websites such as Pinterest, Reddit, YouTube, and Tiktok to learn new information and skills, as well as connect with people who share my interests. My favorite offline resources for learning new concepts are books and information discourse with other people in real life. There is no right or wrong way of establishing a PLN, but it's important to seek out what works best for you and your learning needs. Until next time!


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