Blog Journal #5

 Greetings again! Today we will be discussing a vast array of topics, the first one being Twitter as a source for PLN opportunities. Those who are unfamiliar with Personal Learning Networks can refer back to my previous post. Before this class, I was never much of a Twitter user, but that soon changed. I began following accounts related to education, especially related to teaching English as a foreign language. I also began following the TED-Ed account, among with other informative channels. This has been quite beneficial for me because it's allowed me to find relevant information quickly and intuitively. Many of the TEFL accounts I follow are also frequently posting job openings for teachers abroad, which is quite helpful and could be a game-changer in my future career! Overall, highly recommend. 

Next, let's talk about a less joyful topic, the digital divide. For those who don't know, there is an ever-growing gap between those with regular access to high quality technology in education, and those without it. Many standardized tests nowadays are online, and students with greater technological competence and access to resources are likely to perform better than their non-technological peers. Some causes of digital divides can include SES and lifestyle experiences. As teachers, it's important to give all students the opportunity to brush up on their digital skills. More importantly, we should never assume that a student will be a digital native just because of their age or overall demographic. You never truly know until you know for sure. 

When it comes to technology in the classroom, teachers with adequate access to the internet have so many incredible tools to assist them! In my future classroom, I will definitely take advantage of and, two of my favorite academic learning websites for k-12 students. Kahoot takes pop quizzes and turns them into a fun interactive competition for the entire class to enjoy. The only downside is that every student must have access to a device to play, so the effectiveness of this program will vary by circumstance. Starfall is geared mainly towards preschool and elementary students, and provides a variety of games, songs, and interactive stories for students to learn all subjects and topics. If you haven't checked these sites out yet, I definitely recommend them! Until next time :)


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