Blog Journal #7

Hi again! Thank you for sticking around for Week 8!

Today, I will start by reporting on some pages I found on the website of my old elementary school, G.W. Elementary. Right off the bat, some of the main pages on the website include "About Us", "Students", "Parents", "Admissions", "Magnet", "PTA", "Calendar", and "Contact". Some of the important links include a list of school supplies, the procedures for arrivals and dismissals, and information on joining the PTA. Overall, the website is formatted in an intuitive layout, and the pages are all easily accessible. With that being said, there are some pages that just lead to 404 error tabs, which is unfortunate. Overall, though, I enjoy the theme of this website, and I must admit it brings back fond memories :)

When I become a teacher, I envision myself relying heavily on technology for creating lesson plans. Drafting multiple lesson plans for different classes for an entire school year takes an incredible amount of effort and time, the latter which is often not even paid. To facilitate this process, I can see myself using text-generative AI tools like ChatGPT to draft lesson plans, as well as teacher blogs for templates and ideas. While I plan being creative with my teaching methods, nobody is expecting me to reinvent the wheel when it comes to activities. The internet provides an endless amount of inspiration, and I intend on taking full advantage of that. 

Lastly, when it came to the Website Evaluation Assignment, I was the one in charge of creating the Wiki page, so I have some experience now with creating and embedding pages in Canvas. I really enjoyed learning how to structure a front page in the group tab, since part of me always wondered how my university professors would do it. I do wish the external launch design tool had more customization options, since all the themes available were some variation of garnet and gold, but I can understand the reasoning behind the limitations. It was quite convenient for each group member to be able to automatically edit the pages, since that's not often the case with most collaborative software. Given the nature of this assignment, I can't think of a better software we could have used to create the Wiki. In my opinion, it was very intuitive!

Until next time :)


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